Power of Positive Being
Power of Positive Being
Dear Pessimist,
Positive thinking is a mental connection that definitely brings success and personal development in life. Positive thoughts meet us with joy, happiness and health, and cause a successful outcome in every situation. Believe in the power of positive thinking and learn how to use it effectively. Results could astound you.
Therefore, do not be one of those people who do not believe in the power of optimism. At any time, believe in the power of positive thinking and learn how to use them effectively…
The word optimism is derived from the Latin word “optimus” which means “best”. It points the way optimistic person always looks at the situation and find the best solution in each of them. Optimistic people believe, expect and hope that everything will end in the best way.
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill
Optimistic people live longer.
Benefits of positive thinking are:
- better immune system
- better abilities to cope with stress
- better resistance to disease
Optimistic people believe that they are responsible for their own happiness, and that in the future can expect even better things. Also, optimists do not blame themselves when they run into something bad.
How optimistic people think?
- they are convinced that their world provides many opportunities for success
- believe that there are no boundaries that can prevent them from achieving the goals
- do not complain when something bad happens
- each obstacles for them is a new challenge
- in all will find something good
Change negative thoughts to positive ones. When you have negative thoughts, try to visualize good and enjoyable experience – we are sure that you have a lot of them to spare. Optimism is the ability to deal with emotional intelligence, which means better success and a better life. Negative situations can be seen as an opportunity laid before you learn something new, understand another person better, or in a red light situation take the opportunity to breath deep knowing you can relax because there is nothing you can do to change where you are in the moment in time.
“Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power.” – William James
How positive thinking became science?
Only in the past year, in professional journals are published several hundred papers on the effects of a positive opinion on health. The expectation of good outcomes or dispositional optimism, as the researchers call it, is associated with almost all aspects of life – from less subjective experience of loneliness to an increased tolerance to pain. Optimism as a variable in their research has a very interesting history. If we go back three decades ago, we found a pile of evidence that research optimism has no future. Then, in 1985, in the journal Health Psychology, psychologists Michael F. Scheier and Charles S. Carver published their study “Optimism, Coping, and Health: Assessment and Implications of Generalized Outcome expectancies”. Since then, other researchers have been quoted in the writings of at least 3,150 times.
During the 1980s, Carver and Scheier collaborated on research and targeted motivation (motivated) behavior. From the beginning they knew that the expected outcome of a very important aspect of this behavior is interested in the answer to the question: Whether and how the expected outcome affects the outcome? Behind this question is seemingly simple reasoning. When you set a goal, there are a number of steps, a number of behaviors that need to be carried out in order to reach it. It is, therefore, about the planned behavior. No matter how well-planned way to the finish line, on it we will have fewer or greater difficulty. Scheier and Carver hypothesized that the human mind has a kind of calculator that assigns specific values of these difficulties and as a result generates the expected outcome – a subjective assessment of the probability to overcome the difficulties and despite them reach their goal. This result, that expectation, they assumed, plays a role in the general emotional tone of people, even in her behavior.
More or less the answer to the question why optimists are doing better than pessimists is shaped. Studies show that optimists are proactive, in persistent search for the solution to the problem and, not least, easier to adapt to the situation when they realize that something is, at least at a given time and the circumstances, beyond their power. Because they have such access problems, are less exposed to psychological stress. This makes them less prone to smoking, alcohol and unhealthy behaviors in general. It is not surprising that, in the end, optimism variable upon which, to some extent may provide general mental and physical health.
How are we really positive at a time when almost all is negative? Often we complain about how people have become “strange”, all are close to their homes, less socializing. At a time when people still find themselves together discussing the problems with the children, the financial crisis, double shipwrecks, health problems, like we are losing life energy, as we no longer think positive. Some will ask how to think positively when around me all is wrong.
If you are not a born optimist, there are ways to learn how to think positively. Several common strategies involve learning how to identify negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.
- Think of why a negative situation could be positive in the long term
- Start the positive conversations and try to redirect
- Don’t give up
Positive thinking is the act of developing positive thoughts. Many people tend to think positively in order to get rid of depression, unhealthy and negative thoughts. Positive Thinking in our mind is the technique that requires effort to focus on the optimistic thinking to minimize or cancel the negative. Positive thinking improves the health of mind and body. Positive thinking is now recommended as a form of functioning of a person and the way in which all people should look to the world. It has been scientifically proven that optimists live longer and better because optimism has a positive effect on the immune system, which allows health happiness and longevity. Positive thinking will not overnight fill your pockets, but with its help your situation will be able to observe as a transitory period after which we will improve.
“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” – Helen Keller
Life’s Baggage
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