Wednesday, 19 August 2015

minions 3Dear Minion’s,              
Well, my children think you are hilarious. They laugh at your gibberish, crack up when you fight over a banana, and Bob is their favorite. Yet, as a parent I am not sure how I feel about your uncouth behavior. My problem is that I hope my children will not try to emulate you in their behavior. However, I look to look at the good in all people no matter their size and behavior. So, we can teach them to look for the good in you.
In conclusion, thank you for teaching them these life lessons and for making mistakes so that, hopefully, they don’t make the same ones. I hope you have a great career and my children look back on your movies with fond memories.


Life’s Baggage

P.S. Share this with parents you know whose kids are Minion Crazy.

P.P.S. To read more articles by this author go to

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Dear FitBit Team…

As you sit in your comfortable office in San Francisco I think you should take a minute to pat yourself on the back. Your goal in 2001 was to make a wearable product that would change the way we move. Your mission to help people live a healthier lifestyle has been a success in my life. So, thank you for creating such a wonderful product.

If you are not on the FitBit team and want to read online about the different FitBit models you can go here You can also read about the wonderful app and product features. If you want to know about how this product can change your life then, you can keep reading.
fitness“To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” –Buddha
Once upon a time I was an active, competitive, person with a mission to stay fit and healthy. Then I found beer, poor college eating habits, and discovered I was a horrible cook, did I mention beer? Then before I could get fit as an adult I did something to my body that destroys any hope you may have had to feel sexy again….yup, I had children. So, my encouraging husband was excited for me when I mentioned getting a fitness watch. I did my research on the Misfit Shine, FitBit HR, FitBit Charge, Mio Fuse, Jawbone UP24, Garmin Vivofit, and more.  I tend to be a research junky when I am about to drop money on something. This was an important purchase to help me get fit, benefit my health, and fit my lifestyle. Not to mention, it was going to help me be a better parent, by showing my young children that being healthy and having an active lifestyle are important at any age.

After lots of research, reading reviews, and trying them on I selected the Fit Bit HR.  Yes, the price can give you a shock and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a little buyer’s remorse the next day but, that faded quickly as I discovered a renewed love of exercise, and striving to be at the top of this list while I taunted everyone below me! I think if you actually use all the features it is like having a personal trainer and nutritionist with you 24/7 pushing you and saying “really…you are going to eat that!”  If you are considering purchasing one I am telling you to not hold back. The features and the app are wonderful! This product is definitely a way to help lighten the load in your britches as well as in your Life’s Baggage.

If you are looking to lose weight, diet, and just get in shape you will love this product.  The buyer’s remorse disappears after you realize how wonderful this product is, and you will be thankful you ponied up the money.  I think long-term it saves you money, as you eat less food and drinking less beer!  I love it so much that my husband had to get one as well. Please comment below on which fit device you use and your favorite feature.

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. – Jim Rohn
Thank you to the FitBit team for the difference you made in my life.

Life's Baggage

P.S. Share this with anyone you know who would benefit from a renew love for activity.